Here are a few actual "testimonials" from patients throughout the world:

• My problems began quite unexpectedly. I bent down one day but couldn't stand up straight again. At 57, I'm very active. I play a lot of tennis and my job as a mechanic at McDonnell-Douglas requires me to bend and twist in some awkward positions, especially when I have to squeeze through the small openings in some of the jets I work on.

• Five days after the problem began, I was still suffering agonizing low back pain. I wasn't able to do anything.

• I took the recommendations of several friends and went to see a doctor of chiropractic who took X-rays. I was told that the problem was in my spine; and the doctors explained the spine's direct relation to my general health.

• When I came to the chiropractor, I couldn't even reach my knees with my hands. Now, I can touch my toes without bending my knees, which I haven't been able to do for more years than I can remember. I can't thank my chiropractor enough.

-- Jonathan Falmans

• About thirty years ago, I had a football injury. Over the next several years, I began to have pain in my left knee, a constant dull ache in the lower back on the right side and sinus trouble. I went to my medical doctors for help and they said I would have to live with this the rest of my life. The diagnosis was a permanently damaged nerve. The physicians suggested corrective surgery.

• I became very depressed. I couldn't sleep at night and I was very difficult to live with. I was going through hell and so was my family. It was then that I was convinced to try chiropractic. After my first few visits to my chiropractor, I felt a great deal of relief. Now I feel like a new person. My back is greatly improved, without surgery, and it seems as if I never even had knee problems or sinus trouble. It changed my life. When you feel good, you look good and you develop a healthy attitude. I wasn't very long before everyone noticed the great improvement in me. My only regret is that I waited so long

-- Andrew Sanderson

• I first injured my back 20 years ago and I've been having back trouble off and on ever since. The last four years I'd been having muscle spasms in my back which became more frequent and progressively worse. I had constant headaches and was irritable, nervous, tired and depressed, and I had not had my period for the last four years. An orthopedic doctor I had been seeing recommended surgery but couldn't guarantee it would help.

• Because I'm a nurse, I rejected the idea of going to a chiropractor. Instead, I just suffered, spending several days in bed with pain killers, a taped-up back and a heating pad. Finally, I was in constant pain and couldn't take it any more. One day several friends told me of the help they'd received from their chiropractor so I made an appointment to see him that very day. That's when I had my miracle.

• After my first adjustment, I left the office and got in my car to leave. Without any warning I started my menstrual cycle. This may sound incredible but that's what happened. I no longer have any muscle spasms or back pain. I'm doing things I haven't done in years. I don't take pain killers or tranquilizers since I started my adjustments. I really enjoy living again! I hope someday chiropractors work as an integral part of the medical profession.

There is a great deal of sound, scientific research which support chiropractic principles and practice. But what often means even more to patients are the real-life stories of people who have been helped by chiropractic.

These people received chiropractic subluxation-correction and enjoyed healthier, happier lives. While chiropractic does not claim to treat or cure any disease or condition

These people received chiropractic subluxation-correction and enjoyed healthier, happier lives. While chiropractic does not claim to treat or cure ANY disease or condition (other than vertebral subluxation) millions of people have realized great health benefits from spinal adjustments.

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